Tuition fees*
Nacional: 2750€
International: 6000€
CPLP International: 3300€
4 years
From 3rd January to 27th February 2025
Beginning of the programme
* Tuition fees for the academic year 2025/26 (Full Tuition Fee). More information here.
The selected cohorts of students that enroll the Programme each year receive training within a stimulating research environment. The Programme is hosted by the Center for Economics and Finance at the U. Porto (cef.up), the leading research unit of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Porto (FEP-UP), which sponsors several courses and seminars over the academic year. Research papers are presented by visiting scholars, by Department faculty and by graduate students. Seminar attendance is an integral part of the PhD programme, as it provides students with knowledge about current research in their areas of interest, as well as acquaintance with researchers in such areas. Presentation of their research results allows students to acquire key academic abilities and to obtain timely feedback from scholars and colleagues on their theses.
Aurora Teixeira
Director of the PhD in Economics
PhDs > PhD in Economics
1st Year
1st Semester | |
Name | Credits |
Mathematical Economics | 6 |
Microeconomics I | 9 |
Econometrics I | 9 |
Macroeconomics I | 6 |
2nd Semester | |
Name | Credits |
Microeconomics II | 9 |
Macroeconomics II | 9 |
Computacional Economics | 6 |
Econometrics II | 6 |
2nd Year
1st Semester | |
Name | Credits |
History of Economics Thought | 6 |
Advanced Economic Analysis | 6 |
Advanced Topics in Economics I | 6 |
Advanced Topics in Economics II | 6 |
Seminar | 6 |
2nd Semester | |
Name | Credits |
Thesis Project | 30 |
3rd Year
Yearly | |
Name | Credits |
Thesis | 120 |
4th Year
Yearly | |
Name | Credits |
Thesis | 120 |
PhDs > PhD in Economics
PhD Scholarships
The Scientific Board encourages and supports students who wish to apply for scholarships or other financial support. The main institution responsible for awarding scholarships in Portugal is the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). Over the years, many students in the PhD in Economics have been awarded scholarships by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). For example, four students have been awarded these scholarships in the academic year of 2016-2017 and two have been awarded in the academic year 2017-18. Each of these scholarships lasts for 4 years.
Every year the Center for Economics and Finance at UP (CEF.UP) awards two Research Scholarships with a duration of six months to PhD students.
Under the students’ international mobility protocols established between the University of Porto and several European universities, our doctorate students may apply for scholarship support in order to attend one semester abroad. Students applying for scholarships should seek advice from the Scientific Board on how to fill in the application form.
PhDs > PhD in Economics
Target group
The programme aims at providing students with advanced capabilities in Economic Theory and Quantitative Methods, allowing for a deeper understanding of various specialized areas of Economics and the development of skills for economic analysis and scientific research. Its structure is designed to ensure that the approved theses contribute to the advance of scientific knowledge in the student’s specialization area. The programme encourages the submission of research results to publication in accredited scientific journals.
- holders of a Masters’ degree (or those with the equivalent qualification from a foreign country);
- holders of Honors’ degree (or those with the equivalent qualification from a foreign country), if their curriculum certifies solid capabilities to pursue the doctoral programme;
- holders of a highly relevant curriculum that certifies solid capabilities to pursue the doctoral programme.
Overall, candidates must hold academic qualifications that allow for acquiring advanced knowledge in Economics, and a motivation to apply such knowledge, with analytical or quantitative tools, to scientific research in Economics.
Student profile
Data related to students enrolled in the 2024/2025 academic year.
PhDs > PhD in Economics
Career Opportunities
PhD holders in Economics are qualified to work in various institutions, public or private, academic or non-academic, national or international, namely:
- Teaching and research in Higher Education Institutions
- Banks, Insurance Companies and Audit and Consulting Companies
- Regulatory authorities
- Public or private companies from various sectors of activity